Your professional App for immediate and effective communication with your customers.Personal access and desktop control.The app is dedicated to firms, professionals and companies to communicate with all their customers.It will allow you to stand out, improving and integrating talent and professional image in a simple and immediate way, building customer loyalty.Functionality:- Your customizable profile (colors and studio / company logos), with contact details, geolocation and contacts (email, useful numbers, website links, privacy links, etc.) and a description of all your services;- public visibility of your profile on the App;- customer registration;- publication of Your News;- sending / receiving private messages to individual customers or sending public messages with push notifications and via email;- publication of documents for each individual customer;- appointment booking agenda;- multiple management shared with your collaborators.Try all the features of the App for 30 days. At the end contact THnet.The App that will allow you to keep up with the times, where innovation becomes an essential strength.